Great. It's 12.18am now and i m sitting in front of the laptop wondering what shld i do? Maybe i shld have join the "i-stay-up-late-at-night cause i got nth better to do" clubs.
Seriously, i have been jumping from blogs to blogs and back to blogs. Hahaha.
Should i get a hair cut tml? I mean at least trim my hair. Well, maybe or perhaps.
Here's a quote to share which i copyrighted from wu zun's blog:
Quote from Lance Armstrong: -
"Pain is temporary, it may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever."
Kind of true. If we really do quit something, the pain n guilt, it lasts forever.
Alright, school's starting on monday (maybe) and i can feel the first-day of school BLUE.
Nights people~ keep your hygiene level uppp!! I am gonna watch my prison break now. =D
Friday, June 26, 2009
Met up with weiliang on wednesday after the short fyp meeting. Acc sp to have his haircut at some salon nex to SMU.
Goshh. The moment i stepped in, this model picture caught my eye. =D
Nice toilet huh
Meiqin joined us later and lunch at waraku. TSK. The mushroom & chicken pasta tastes like crap.
The pizza tastes good!
Chit-chatted for awhile and weiliang suggested that we go marina barrage for a walk. Took the mrt down and realised that it's too late to take the shuttle bus service. Headed over to city hall instead. Shopped for awhile and weiliang went back home first while the rest of us went to "hunt" for dinner.
I told sp to help me take green chilli water. He took it. Den i say "why no chilli?" So he went back and took the REAL chilli. But i am refering to those chicken-rice type of chilli. LOL. I couldn't stop laughing.
Seriously, i think we can talk alot of crap. Meiqin and I kept on talking after dinner while the poor sp was being bombarded by us. HAHAHA.
Went for cycling with meiqin and so on. It's qingde's I&E event. Tsk. We cycled for like 4+hours. All the way from ecp till changi village and back to ecp. -.- Buah tahan. 3 casualties along the way.
Had Burger King after the killing hours.
LOL. Enormous burger. (Not mine)
Reached home and my knee caps felt like breaking. Had an early night.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
YAY. I finished watching chuck season 2. Oh My God. Seriously, i can't wait for season 3!
Few seconds of season 3 promo
I am actually typing this the second time! ARGHH. Damn photobucket. Close my window.
Had a girls outing yesterday. Meet up with meiqin first for a small catching-up and head over to clementi to meet shu man.
Dinner at astons. Personally, i dun really like black pepper chicken BUT their coleslaw is heavenly~~
Onion rings, i dun like to eat onions but i eat onion rings. LOL
Caught I love you man with the girls. It's a super hilarious movie but not my-type of movie thou.
Dessert Conquered
By the way, swine flu is getting more n more serious! Take care guys, remember to wash your hands regularly and at least for 30 seconds.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I went shopping with mummy today. Yay. I am very happy!! Got the G2 top (finally) and lots of foody~ =D =D =D
Tml will be another sims 3 day for me. Good night people, sweet dreams
Friday, June 19, 2009
Hmm. YiLing finally manage to send me all the photos that we took. But, i can't really rmb all the details and so on. Hahaha. STM.
Shall post some of the pictures up here. Badminton yesterday.
after 45 minutes of badminton
Resting in the toilet while the guys kill themselves in the court
Super "clean" mirror
Guess who is this cute little boy?
Okay. I can imagine his face when he see this post.
Before i end this post, let me show u guys my fav pic.
Try to ignore the prawn please. I find the focus not bad in this picture.
We made mistakes and we move on; this is what life is all about
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I am goin to stay at home today and try to complete the floating production project. Yiling and i decided to re-do the project. Tsk. The vessel details are like so brief lah. #@()*)$*#)$(_$#$
Updates later.
I let them run and flow
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Holiday!!! YaY. 2 weeks of holiday!!
Great, i dunno how to spend my wonderful 2 weeks of holiday. Hahaha. But, i have been thinking about when to meet up with my dearest MEIQIN.
By the way,
I found this flavour of Lays. I think it's special lah or i am too sua ku already?
Okay, i know this is like a super no-link post. Hahaha.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Seriously, i dunno why i m still blogging now. I intend to study today and i did actually. But, not to the extent i am confident of.
I am having flu. Yes. FLU. Dun worry. Not swine flu.
So, the conclusion is i am bored, i am sick, i am being sad after watching grey's anatomy.
Yes, horrible things do happen. Happiness is the face of all that-that's not the goal. Feeling the horrible and knowing that you're not gonna die from those feelings, that's the point.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Went for dim sum buffet with the peeps last saturday. It's sort of like a "farewell" outing for weikang. Well, he's goin army this thursday. Take care ah.
The Dim Sum Buffet is located inside some ku ku hotel BUT the food there's not bad!
Our FIRST group photo after years of friendship.
Erm, a better one next time? : )
Ordering food
The first "batch" to arrive
MUA HA HA. Fu Rong Egg
Dim Sum
Look at chienlee's face! LOL
We couldn't finish up with all the food we ordered and because we hate wasting food, the guys decided to play zhong ji mi ma and the loser shall finish up the remaining food. GUESS WAT? ChienLee is the lucky one. LOL I think he got a phobia with chicken wings now.
After our super full lunch, we decided to walk around city hall.
Before that,
girl's pictures:
The spots : Water droplets
Inside the lift
As we girls shopped around, the guys talked about games. ( As usual ) ChienLee got so worked out that he scolded #)(@*#@)($#_@&#($*) TSK.
Funny expression again (ChienLee)
Who say girls dun feel tired after those shopping?
Feeling super tired that we had to sit down
Went to play some board games with them at settlers.
The tibits
Super funny game
I know my expression is classical
Violent girl award 2009-Ang Yi Ling
Before i end this post,
: D
Man talks about everything, and he talks about everything as though the understanding of everything were inside him-----Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translate from Spanish by W.S. Merwin